Hey You Serbs

Day 2,062, 23:10 Published in USA Pakistan by sebass1212

Hey eUSA and all other good nations. Today we are going to be talking about eUSA and its growth you see the Serbians and Hungary think they have wiped us out but you see we have been growing very fast look here Top countries
Brazil 21128
Argentina 15995
Serbia 14032
Spain 9332
USA 8759
Wow for a defeated country we are growing fast and ya know what that means more freedom fighters we are taking America back you want us come get us we going to fight until you wipe every last American off this game Don't mess with me or my country lets go keep pushing Follow your orders and keep fighting also to you Serbians GET THE HELL OUT OF D.C ALSO TO YOU SERBS WE WILL EEP FIGHTING