Hey, That Bugs Pretty Cool

Day 963, 18:16 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

As you've probably noticed by now the subs button is broken, and leads to our old frien😛


Except instead of attacking tanks, hes after....newspapers!

Making this picture took more time than it took to write this article.

Yeah, pretty much like that.

At first I was pretty annoyed, since:

1) As an "accomplished writer" its hard to want to write when I know that my sub base I've taken time to build won't be reading it

2) I can't easily access my subs without having to gloss over the terrible articles in our media.

3) I click the subs button habitually while online. Getting chickened on every 5th click sucks.

4) Noones reading anything, as made apparently by our top 20 media vote count being horrifically lower than normal.

5) Having 4 reasons seems pretty lame, so this is reason number 5.

However, it just occurred to me after watching a couple of low-subs writers easily reach high rank articles that this bug actually has a couple of significant benefits.

You see, while "established" writers are at a distinct disadvantage, having lost their sub based momentum writing, new writers have never had a greater opportunity to shine. We are all on equal ground, with even the greenest newspaper having the opportunity now to gain readers attention, provided it has substance (and perhaps a catchy title 😛)

So yeah, not much purpose to this brief article except to encourage new writers (or old ones who simply don't write often) to try their hand. There is no better time to shine than now, when we are all equal in the eyes of readers. I also wanted to make a picture of the headless chicken stomping on the newspaper building.

The slate is as clean as it will ever be, and this is an opportunity.

Don't let it go to waste.