Hey, Baby! Got a Second?

Day 886, 02:34 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma
Psst … Hey, kid.

Yeah, you. Have you seen the wars list lately?

I know, right? I have to wonder if this isn’t the final blow out before v2 comes along and bugs up the war module for a while.

Don’t get all dramatic about it. It will get better.

That’s more like it! Hey, did you know I’m running for congress in Mpumalanga?

Don’t overdo it; I’m not proposing the Free Candy Amendment.

Now, now. I’ll tell you what I am going to do. I’m going to work hard to make sure our citizens are strong and ready to face whatever opposition or challenges come our way.

There you go – you know what I’m talking about. Everything we do right now has to be with an eye to protecting our resources and citizens. And part of that protection is making sure we’re ready to enter v2 with confidence.

That’s a confident look. I think we’re on the same beam. I understand game mechanics and the interpersonal needs for successful play. Plus, I’ll work really hard every day to make sure you’re safe. Sound good?

I’m glad to see that. Yeah, you can take it easy now. I’m here for you.

Not a problem; I’ve got your back. Just be sure to vote for me in Mpumalanga, okay?