Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel - Public Enemy #1

Day 1,568, 18:01 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

Gnilraps and I have not exactly seen eye to eye over the years, but on this issue he was spot on. I had suspected that something was fishy with this, but I had not taken the time to do the research to uncover the full extent of this foolhardy and pathetic plot by Pfeiffer. Hopefully this matter can call attention to the grave injustice of the dark art of political takeover which myself and many of my friends are often victimized with. In the last Party Presidential Elections, every party which previously endorsed Oblige was PTO'd by suspicious individuals.

These parties were then turned over to Pfeiffer and others that were part of his scheme. Not only was this in poor taste, and these small parties now understand just a bit about what I have had to put up with for almost three years, but it was also really stupid. As the eUSA's perennial Country Presidential candidate, I can tell you that the number of endorsements means almost nothing and influences very few votes. Most people will vote along party lines, and the only exception is if it is for the incumbent due to name identification.

Israel Stevens basically admitted to me privately that he knows that Pfeiffer soiled the name of his campaign. All that time and effort put in, and the huge advantage that this campaign had on paper, all to lose by an almost 2-1 margin is a really devastating defeat. Ever since Oblige left him out in the cold he has tried to attach himself to challengers in order to get back in to power. If people do not like me, they should be terrified of Pfeiffer. He has the entire United States Workers Party in his pocket and despite his epic fail, remains the most dangerous person to the health and well-being of the eUSA. He tries to deflect this by getting people focused on me. Don't be fooled by the enemy within.

Pfeiffer has basically spent nearly my entire time in eRepublik being the leading supplier of votes towards PTOing me, and has taken his grudge against me to the extreme. He has treated people from varying background in the eWorld with blatant disrespect and has even been cruel on many occasions. For some reason a lot of people of influence think he is funny, or smart, or that he gets work done. In reality, this guy is a bully who has to act like he is a tough guy behind a keyboard. We all know that type. He will not stop until he controls the government again, and then makes himself President. While he is in control of the USWP and whispers in the ear of those in power and swings his axe on their behalf, he will remain a danger to the sanity and the security of our nation. Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel IS public enemy #1.

General Cartman Lee
American Patriot
Second-in-line to the Presidency