Help for Bulgarian babies [Ro-Bg war synopsis]

Day 782, 00:13 Published in Romania Romania by Xigna
[ I'm going to write this in English because we have 3000 new guests in our country now. ]

We won the Sofia battle and we conquered Bulgaria. The war is over and we should start aiding Bulgaria. We destroyed their hospitals and I presume some of their babies are confused and don't know what's happening.

To put it simple, Romania and Bulgaria are in different alliances (Eden and Phoenix). Because the negotiations with Bulgaria regarding Romania's passage to Asia failed, the Romania - Bulgaria war started. There were a couple of vicious days of fighting, Romania advanced through Bulgaria and finally managed to take Marmara from Turkey, the first step in Romania's journey to Asia. After that, Bulgaria with the aid of her allies (through MPPs) started conquering her territories back and the war was almost over. (This happened a few weeks ago)
On new year's eve, Hungary started a conquest war against Romania and Bulgaria attacked us with her 5 opened MPPs. Bulgaria was supposed to drain our damage while Hungary took the cake. It was a short conquest for Hungary as Romania managed to take her lost regions back. The problem for Bulgaria was that they opened 10 of Romania's MPPs and the war shifted to Romania's advantage.
After a couple of blockage attacks from Serbia and Bulgaria, Romania finally managed to attack Sofia and the rest is history. I'm pretty sure most of you saw how your allies fought in other battles while the wall in Sofia dropped lower and lower.
I am going to be subjective here and I'm going say that your allies are there only when you give them a tactical advantage, but when you needed them the most... they left you all alone. In my opinion those aren't true allies, just profiteers (personal opinion).

And that's about it. I urge all of the Romanian organizations handing out free food or gifts to translate their messages in English and Bulgarian (if someone from Bulgaria offers to) so we can keep as many babies in the game.

PS: Don't be hateful, it's just a game, and if Bulgaria was in Romania's shoes, you would of done the same. There's no reason to not be civilized.

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