Help All The New Comers !!!

Day 1,563, 00:11 Published in USA Israel by giladrubin

Hello Admins and fellow citizens of the new world i would like to make a proposition for you , I have been playing erepublik for a few month now and i like the game a lot , I have been trying to add new citizens to the game using facebook (For The Medals Off course) But while i have been doing that i convinced a lot of people to join . i heard that you have changed the game for beginners so it will be more friendly , but as u probably know from ur info still a lot of new comers join and get stuck on lvl 1 ..
well from my past experience in a few other browser game i found out the best way to make people understand a game and continue playin it is to take them step by step in the most convenient way that is
using a bot ... Why don't u make a bot (Like Plato For instance) and let him guide the new players , from the my land to the battles to the politics all through to lvl 7-8 and from there u should still add an help button with FAQ's so they can learn more about the game and so they won't get freaked out , thinking it complicated.

If Any of you have more ideas please write so in the comments 🙂

Peace Love And War !! Lets them hear our voice and make this game better and bigger !