Help a newbie day

Day 709, 14:23 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

As a country, we have massive untapped potential. In no other area of the game do we fail more than player retention. I haven't looked at the data recently, but last I checked we had over 13,000 privates. I would venture a guess that around 11,000 of those accounts are dead. That's a terrible retention ratio and for the life of us, no matter what we do, we can't seem to get it right.

So I'm going to have a little fun and take some initiative. I intended this as a Democratic Party program just to have some fun before and during the Holidays, but I decided why not expand it to the entire nation? If each person sought out one player and kept them playing, it'd have a massive impact. As George Barker once said, the single greatest impact most players can have on this game is to recruit a player, have them be active, and teach them the ropes. You've just doubled your impact on the United States.

Here's a copy of the post I made on the Democrat Forums. I hope anyone interested looks in to this program to help a new player out. For the record, I'm not providing any non-Democrat members a stipend. Sorry, I'm not that rich.

Help a newbie day!

This FRIDAY, October 30th, is help a new player day! It's something I've never tried before but I think it could be a lot of fun.

What do you do on this day? Well, it's quite simple. Find a new player, pref. one unaligned with a party (those parties can help their own members. We're looking for people with no one to help them). Once you find that new player, your job is to do everything you can to help them that day (and, ideally, into the future). You are, more or less, picking out your own mentee and skipping the long process.

What can you do?

Gift them, send them some food. If you see them fighting, offer them a Q1 weapon. If you see they're not in a Q5 Hospital region, offer them a moving ticket. If you need some funds to help you with this, let me know. I've got some money hidden away for fun projects like this and I know a lot of our members are new players themselves, so I don't want you all breaking the bank for this. I'm an old fart and thus have a nice, big daily wage to support such spending 😃.

So, Democrats, can you help out a new guy?

[Disclaimer: Try to be non-partisan as you do this. Don't mention your party in big bold letters unless they ask. You can mention perhaps it's a part of our initiative, but don't go overboard. That's not the point of this.]
