Hello Mississippi!

Day 454, 09:55 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

Hello Mississippi! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Bill Brasky and I am running for congress in our very own state of Mississippi. This is my first run for congress, so I feel it is important for you to know a little about me. I’m 4 months old in game, and a eUSA citizen all my life. I’m a proud serving soldier in the eUSA 2nd Army, Platoon 4. As a Federalist Party member I am Welcoming Party Chairman, and at the national level I am a member of the Department of Education.
What really matters in a congressional campaign are the ideas proposed, so let’s shift our focus to my platform.

Transparency – I believe in transparency in all governmental happenings. You have my word that I will inform you of all happenings in congress, and of every vote I make. Anything that you need or want to know will be reported to you. If you have anything on your mind, a question why I voted which way on a proposal, an idea to improve our great country, or just want to say hi, shoot me a PM. It’s that simple, and I can guarantee a response. Anything less than a full and fluid discussion between myself and the people who I represent is doing them a disservice.

Citizen Retention – I believe that America needs to focus itself on retaining its influx of citizenry. We have a larger population than any country in the eRepublik world, and it’s high time we started using our greatest asset to our advantage. We need a massive reform in our welcoming system. I feel a mentorship program would be our best bet towards molding players that stick around longer, and are more active as a result. If we are able to efficiently handle our new citizens and get those players involved faster and more effectively, it works to our advantage in economic, militaristic, and political fashions. As a member of the DoE I can help get this idea to fruition, and as a congressman I can help garner support for such an idea.

Fiscal Responsibility – I believe that fiscal responsibility is the cornerstone of any great nation. eUSA is learning this lesson, albeit slowly. In a way, the Franco/Teacher showed us how vulnerable we were when it came to our finances. The people should know where their taxes and gold is going, and they need to know it is safe. A solid, organized budget is in order, and an overall fiscal direction is needed. The eUSA needs a plan of action for its money, and a fail-proof plan to keep it secure.

Now that you know my platform, I hope you feel confident in my ability to represent this great state of Mississippi in Congress.

I’m Bill Brasky, and I’m asking for your vote for Congress. Thank you.