Hello friends, I didn't e-die

Day 6,089, 20:10 Published in USA USA by Bob Boudahili
So, if you use your iPhone as your recovery device and it and your laptop get stolen at the same time what do you do?
I was stuck in the mid-west USA for a bit, visiting family longer than expected two Methopotamians busted my car window and stole my backpack and iPhone while I went into a gas station to answer the call of nature and buy a drink.
Get the window but two days later my transmission fails. I had already ordered a replacement phone to meet me at home in the deep south.

Now, I have my work phone, so I can relay that I'm not dead to people that I have in my business and some personal contacts, but I don't put my fun stuff on my work phone: no discord, no telegram, google chrome is work profile, no personal Gmail, I've got no f$%^ing passwords.
iPhone that was stolen is the recovery/two-factor device 10 days and the car is good to go, works great, nice drive home, get home in time to do laundry and pack for a work trip.
"New" phone apparently got over heated in transport; it's swollen up like a tick. Much anger, more phone calls. New "new" phone ordered but will not arrive until after I depart for my work trip that dovetails into a personal trip.

I was planning on laying low in the game in July due to travel, but not this low. I got home late last night, found an old iPhone 8 that barely charged and restored to my new "new" 13 and I should be back on everything.

So how was y'all's July?

There may have been some way to jump through my own a$$hole to get back on sooner, but it didn't occur to me other than I have added my work email as a recovery account as well. I never added it after taking my last job's email address out. Being unemployed 6 months in 2020, I guess I forgot.

I probably could have bought a phone out of pocket but the fucked up one made me madder, and I wasn't going to on principal, especially after dropping $3600 on a transmission.

So, the moral of the story, fancy passwords and their vaults be damned, I am going back to a post-it note in a poor hiding place.