Hello eSweden

Day 727, 10:37 Published in Sweden India by Donut Stores

Hello, eSweden!

My name is einberliner, though I go by Donut, and I'm a citizen of eIreland and also currently the Minister of Community there. This is my storage org and I'm using it to tour the eGlobe while political commitments keep my citizen account in eIreland. I've started in Sweden as it's one of the places that I hope to visit in RL that I haven't yet had a chance to (though I have been to Denmark, and I saw Malmo from the top of a ride at Tivoli but that really doesn't count) and because I've yet to meet a RL Swedish person that I didn't like. It seemed as good a reason as any.

I'm hoping, in my travels, to get to know people from around the eWorld and to learn about their eNations. I'm also happy to talk about eIreland if people would like to know anything.

I'm not sure how many people will even see this article as I know no-one here yet and I'm afraid I don't speak Swedish (I've been using eRep plus to read the newspapers here) but I'm very much looking forward to getting to know any of you who might like to get to know me.

In friendship,