Hello America

Day 1,010, 20:49 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy

Hello america, you may not have heard of us before but we are Singapore. If you don't know us it's because we don't do much and we don't have a lot of people, oh and we're really small on the map. But all that is besides the point.

America, we can't help but notice you are are p cool guy and all the other Asian countries seem to like you, except Indonesia. We saw you the other day, with China and Japan and to be frank we got jealous. We wanted America to notice us as well. Most countries don't pay any attention to us except the Russians and Serbians who try to force themselves on us, be we don't let them.

So America, we wanted to know if we could be friends. We have a lot in common, we both speak English, our currency is the dollar, and we both enjoy long walks on the beach and naked horseback riding, or is that just us? Anyways America, do you wanna be friends with us...please (😁)