Having fun in WSR?

Day 1,013, 13:15 Published in Serbia United Kingdom by Astrodew

Having fun in WSR?

thought not 🙁

Why don't you meet me in Slavonia?

"Click on the highlighted tile you wish to move to!" Thanks Lana!

Thanks to Poland, we now know you can move into the enemy deployment zone (as long as they're not there!). See you in Slavonia/ESR/Liaoning! Remember, deploy within 2 tiles of every deployment square - it's not cheating, Lana told me to do it!

http://www.erepublik.com/en/battlefield/622 (english language link)


PS have you noticed how when hundreds of soldiers attack tens of soldiers, one of the 10s will survive again and again and again? It happened to me when attacking the capital of ESR, and to Poland attacking Serbia. What is it?