Hassan - Carry On My Wayward Son

Day 584, 04:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran


In this article, I’m basically going to outline why I am awesome. I’m only telling you why I’m awesome because I am in fact running for President of the eUK on July 1st! I know, exciting stuff.

So, here are some of the reasons I am awesome. I’ll start with the positions I have held in the eUK:

Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs (x1)

Minister of Defence (x2)

Minister of Finance (x1)

Minister of Information (x2)

ATLANTIS Supreme Commander (x1)

Congressman of eUK (xLots)

Party President of TUP (x2)

Director of Zycon Corporations

What that all means, is that I have experience in all aspects of eRepublik, ranging from the Economy to running the eUK’s Military. Any ideas that I have for the future of the eUK, I will be able to enact thoroughly, and using all the expertise I have gained during these months.

Next question, what would these ideas be? The core principles on how I would like the next month to progress would be:

Review of legislation, so we can cut down on all the unnecessary fluff and reword the vague bills. If we have something in Law, it actually has to mean something, not just be there to look pretty. I would work with the Minister of Domestic Affairs to make sure it gets done – it would be his main priority next month.

Reforms for the Military are on-going at the moment, and I believe my experience in the Military makes me the best person to continue these reforms. The Special Forces have already set up a number of their own companies, and are now stockpiling weapons very well. The same process is now happening in the Royal Navy, and I hope by the end of the month they will be a well-oiled fighting machine!

Foreign Affairs is a big point this month, and it should be continued to be handled with care. As we have not been able to reach a conclusion this month on the future of our Country, I believe we should once again discuss it with the new Congress, and reassess our options.

We need to remember though, citizens of the eUK, this game is meant to be FUN! While writing legislation and making needless amendments might be fun for the 20 or so people involved, it does not always benefit the rest of the eUK. We need to start thinking about how to make everyone enjoy the game, and this includes making it more accessible for new players and rewarding old players by giving them more options.

I will outline just how I plan to do this in my manifesto, which will start to be released on July 2nd, when I get back from Holiday.

Finally, at this moment in time, I am not being officially endorsed by any Party. However, I would like all Parties to regard me as a possible candidate for their Party.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice weekend,