Has the Government Had Enough of Jacobi?

Day 668, 13:46 Published in Canada Canada by Gartoro

Well, at least eleven members of congress think it's time our Prime Minister stepped down and let someone else move into 24 eSussex Drive.
The motion was tabled by Tantis, who is particularly unhappy with Jacobi's performance. When asked for his reasoning behind the decision, he had this to say:

"NAP with UK, Jacobi pretty much signed us to Peace. He posted the NAP in congress, and pretty much I'm not asking you for your opinion type of way, we told him how we felt and he ignored us, PEACE is all over this and we are pretty much sitting ducks."

"The Treaty states we cant retreat any where near UK territory, when you read the Treaty the biggest loop allows UK to trade Regions with its allies, so Iran and Hungary makes a push into our regions and then trade them to UK, we cant do nothing about that, it isnt going against the treaty."

"And of course UK is signing MPPs with Iran and Hungary, their allies. Jacobi should have made the rest of the NAP better, like congress asked, if he can't respect us and even fix something to help Canada he isn't the leader that we originally voted for, if he wants to throw his career away then let him. But if he can't fix a damn NAP after congress asked him he doesn't deserve any good treatment. The Country hates him for helping France he doesnt care. Many congressman have talked about an impeachment but don't have the balls to propose one or ask for one. If your willing to call and impeachment for not proposing an embargo, but when he doesn't even confide in us for something simple like that, can we confide in him for anything else?I don't."

So far, the majority of those who have voted (at last count, 26) are confident in the Prime Minister's ability to lead eCanada. But, as we all know, things like this just don't go away. And without the complete confidence of Congress, Jacobi may find it increasingly difficult to keep things under control.


Editor and Publisher.