Hard Times

Day 1,272, 02:52 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Gil-games

Hello Fellow Kiwis!

We have hard time and that`s the reason to do not commit any mistake. - before I go on, want to make sure: I don`t want to hurt anybody, anyway. - But my experience showed something else. The activity on the rizon(chat) did not got higher, some important persons did not showed up there, and the biggest mistake was that the MoD-Orders were not updated when the battle for Wellington started to rage. Early in my morning I speaked to people and they told me, at that time there was big things to deal with and they got better thing to do, it was forgotten...I agree with this, but it`s clear to inform our citizens in time are high priority. Still do not want to blame amybody, rather call your attention to stick together in these hard times and help each other in any way we can!

Everybody move to Otago, fight against the aggressors and do her/his best!!!
I hope our government will help you to move in our last "safe" region and tell us the plan how to recover our lands! Hail eNew Zeeland!!!

And do not Fight in Wellington But Hold your Fire as MoD say!
