Hao Shenti

Day 146, 12:52 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Confucius

China needs an health system for many reasons, but mainly because we can't go without in the long term.
It is a costly and long endeavour to process, but I hope the benefits will long outrun the investment needed. Financially and socially.
The impact of an hospital in our economy will prove beneficial to our local and to be companies. Healthy workers (above a 70 wellness lvl), will produce more generally, hence improving company performance.
The Hao Shenti facility is publicly announcing that is recruiting active users to become daily employees.


Employment Terms
Salaries will start low, but will increase over time, according to employee productivity.
An hospital takes 2000 units of productivity. A lvl 1 employee will produce just about 1 unit. A lvl 5 will produce over 12 units. Therefore, the better your productivity, the better the wage.
Please post cv in public human ressources (in the find a job section).
Starting salary for a lvl 1 employee: 1.5 CNY