Haliman Interview and Canada PANAM

Day 1,141, 12:30 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman

The 50 States
Haliman Interview

I would like to thank CaptJustice for getting this interview with Haliman.

Haliman: Ask away

CaptJustice: Ok. So first question. What made you join eRepublik, and what kept you coming back?

Haliman: I heard about it from an old clan I used to lead. I jumped on late, since when I joined, everybody else quit. I stay for the community, definitely. I've grown quite attached to my friends here 🙂

CaptJustice: I think we all agree that is the best part

Haliman: Absolutely

CaptJustice: What was the most fun you've had in your career here so far?

Haliman: Being USWP Party President. No question about it. I love seeing all of the people in the party having fun, as well as the competitive feeling around election days. I would love to be PP for a long time to come. As long as they'll have me, of course 😉

CaptJustice: Always been a Federalist myself, but you've done great things with a great party over there. Who would you say is your greatest influence in this game?

Haliman: Gotta say I'm split between Ligtreb and Fionia. Fionia and I talk everyday, and always have a good time. She was my main influence when it comes to Party Politics, and being USWP President. Ligtreb, on the other hand, influences me on a national level. One of the main reasons I continue to be a congressman.

CaptJustice: Good choices. Lets move on to some current issues, what are your views on PANAM?

Haliman: We need it, 100%. I am currently on the Canadian forums pleading our case. Earlier this week, they voted it down 2-17. That's 17 people who said no. I'm trying to sway them, since I have full congressional access. Discussions are going great, and I expect them to ratify the charter very soon.

CaptJustice: Some of our allies, such as Ireland and Canada, think this shows a trend of American ego-centrism that will lead to a loss of support for longtime allies outside the Americas. What would you say to them?

Haliman: They are absolutely wrong. We are still quite attached to our allies, and we look forward to working with them throughout the unforeseeable future. PanAm is our way of saying the America's are also a powerhouse in alliances; not just Europe. We welcome anyone to join our alliance. PanAm is not a way to tell Europe we don't want their teamwork anymore. It's a way for us to join together in friendship, and make sure our borders are protected.

CaptJustice: very well put
CaptJustice: What will be your main focus if you win the Presidency?

Haliman: PanAm. I am currently discussing with the Canadian Parliament, who shot down the treaty earlier this week, on passing it. After PanAm is finished, we need to focus on our ebabies, and strengthening our military

CaptJustice: How do you think your relative youth will benefit you?

Haliman: The same thing I have been arguing all along. New ideas, new energy, new leadership. All of these things are going to be necessary for our country to thrive with all of these new scenarios coming our way.

CaptJustice: One more question before we move on to closing comments.

Haliman: go right ahead

CaptJustice: With all the talk lately concerning the JCS and POTUS' interactions, how do you plan on improving the situation?

Haliman: Jankems and the others can expect to hear from me daily. I am a strong believer in the JCS, and feel that their opinions on National Security should be heard.

CaptJustice: Any final thoughts you want to tell the audience?

Haliman: Vote Haliman on the 5th! Your vote will not be wasted.

CaptJustice: Thanks for giving me your time

Haliman: No problem. Anytime.
(End of interview)


V+S the link above.


Canada Rejects PANAM proposal.

Canada voted down the proposal to join PANAM 2-17. As USA congressmen try to plead there case on the Canada forums. In other news eUSA is starting to gain back its states from Poland.

Proposed by ManThigh, Do you agree to transfer 99999 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Day 1,140 the proposal was accepted. 46-1
Proposed by Animis, Do you agree to transfer 69000 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Day 1,140 it is accepted. 49-1.
Proposed by Iasov, Do you agree to transfer 2021 RON from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Day 1,141; Prediction: Land slide yes.

Editor: Chris Hartman
Reporter: CaptJustice

Thanks for reading.
E-mail me at The50states@hotmail.com