Haiku Contest

Day 334, 22:03 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

It's been a litle slow lately, what with the transition to v1 and all. I want to spice things up a bit by reintroducing a popular game of mine: The Haiku Contest! We played this game a couple of months back in SA and I think we all had great fun. I learned the ancient and useless art of Haiku Porety from the tongue clicking "Japs of the South" while I was shoved in my bamboo bird cage frantically trying to find a way to escape. I tried to have haiku contests in my newspaper while under the occupation but the blasted admins always deleted my articles.
So, to begin, haiku is a simple syllabic poem. It is 3 lines, the first line containing five syllables, the second line seven syllables, and the last line five syllables.
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables
Here is an example:
My Name is Deus
My Friend is Jizzie McGuire
I Am The Liquor
Now let's all make a few. Any theme is fine as long as deemed appropriate by the admins (). I suppose since it's a contest there should be a prize? How about the one I think is most imaginative by the time it's done gets a Q2 gift that's been burning a hole in my pocket.