Hai North Korea!

Day 763, 10:06 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Looks like we're gonna have a bit of a fun detour before going for Hello Kitty. Jewitt has a the reasons here. Basically, were are telling Russian PTO'ers to GTFO, sort of like what we have been doing a lot these past few days. Anywho, it seems like a no-brainer mop-up, as North Korea has no MPPs and like 2 people in the entire country. It will take 2 days to attack all NK territories, as well as Hwangae, which is held by Russia. After this little distraction is over, we should have a good 24 hours to launch our attack on Hello Kitty before the Russians get a president again and can interfere with our little liberation spree.

To the south, our friends in Australia have finally gotten initiative against the Brazilians, and have launched an attack against Western Australia. The Aussies will have no trouble pushing Brazil completely out of Australia and South Africa. Hell, while they are there, they will probably take a few cracks at taking out Indonesia in South Africa. If this could succeed, along with American offensives against Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh, Indonesia would be completely pushed back into their original territories for the first time in months, if not over a year. With something as beautiful as that, I think we can expect allies to send in help to make sure the Aussies are successful.

Also, there have been some talks of the US keeping one of China's high iron regions and renting it for a while. Obviously, this would be Liaoning, as Hello Kitty shares a border with Russia. There are plenty of reasons why this would be a good idea, but I think we also have to be careful. We don't want to make the Chinese feel pressured to do this or think that they owe us. We want them to be, and to fell like, they are our equals. We don't want our friendship to be contingent on their willingness to give us their regions or money. That being said, keeping a presence in this region allows us to prevent Failnix from returning to "punish" the Chinese and Japanese for letting us through and taking down their empires, along with India when we go for Karnataka. It also gives us a striking point from which we can hit Indonesia should we chose to do so, and protects North Korea from PTOs (as they have right now) or Russian Invasions. Then again, it becomes like Hello Kitty to the Hungarians. One RW there, and the enemy can suck up a ton of our damage from more important battles. Still, if the Chinese have no oppositions, it would not be a very bad idea.

Oh, and to anyone who has read today's "Insider", I would like to say that I will be opening a tank company as soon as possible (I don't know why, but I found that humorous). So all of you who want to donate gold to me to make this a reality, and are willing to work for me, I'd much appreciate it 🙂 All of the products will, of course, go to benefit the eUS military. Would be nice If I could actually afford to do something like that...Anywho, that's all for today folks, and remember, have a merry Christmas in Hello Kitty 🙂