Gunter for CPF President (Repost)

Day 846, 10:21 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

To all members of the Canadian Progressive Front:

With this announcement, I am throwing my hat into the ring for you to consider me for President of the CPF. It's not a position I ever aspired to, since for most of my eLife we have had brilliant leadership in the person of Tyler F Durden. However, since he refused to seek another term in the February elections, to be frank, we have been an internal mess. I believe if you elect me, we can restore some of the glory that we have lost over the last month.

To that end, I pledge to:

Be your servant. A President is chosen by the Party to lead the Party in the direction the Party wants to go. I believe I am in tune with that.

Keep in touch with Party sentiments. This will be done in two ways. Firstly, through a group of faithful party members whom I will surround myself with - the Privy Council. I will seek their input regularly. Secondly, when time permits, I will use internal polls to assess the moods and opinions of the party on our forums. When time is of the essence, I will use my judgment to lead in a way I believe the party would be supportive of.

Pwn the Congressional Elections. Again. We have become the party known as owing the congressional elections, in which we have elected a plurality in four of the last 5 months. We know how to do it best! This time around will be a real challenge with the UN where it is.

Bring Harmony back into the Party. I am a reconciliator at heart. Family relations and atmosphere is something I have loved about this party. It's time to bring it back. Note: I will roll over for no one. When push comes to shove, I can fight just like the rest of 'em. If something catches my passion, watch out!

Earn your Respect. Through hard work, results, and doing what I say I will, I will gain your respect and trust. A party needs to be able to respect and trust their leader, or he won't be effective.

Maintain and improve relations with other Canadian parties. This will include that we have active ambassadors, and party leader to party leader communication. The Party's aim, once we have repaired the internal rifts, is to push for a stronger and more vibrant eCanada.

Increase Membership Activity. Increasing Party Membership would be nice. But if all we get is 2 clickers and other less active types, we will have accomplished very little. What I would like to see happen is to encourage the EXISTING membership to get active on the forums and in game. We need to come alongside current members and help them mature into experienced players.


1. CPF party member since my eBirth in September. This party owns me.
2. Honesty, integrity and faithfulness. I admit, I am not the most socially known individual in this game, but those who do know me, can attest to these character traits. I don't speak out of two sides of my mouth.
3. I've been a member of the CPF's Privy Council since December.
4. I've been a Congress Member 3 times. I know how Congress works.

If you think I would make a good president, then let your mouse do the talking - vote Wilhelm Gunter on March 15th!">