Guns For Hire- Following The Money

Day 581, 11:55 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Yesterday a topic was opened up on the forums by a concerned member of the community, AltmerVampire regarding speculation that viperb10, an ex-LSD member who joined the MDU after the merge of the parties, was buying votes from the Bulldog Mercenary Group, known as BMI for both voting up his congress article, and then voting for him in the elections.
It all started when Altmer was contacted by a concerned friend of his, working for BMI. This friend had received orders to move to the West Midlands:

However, there was a problem in uploading screenshots so the information he gave me couldn’t be proven, but miraculously that problem was solved as a good friend of mine showed me this screenshot which was taken by one of his friends working for BMI:

Now the name was blacked out, but you’ll probably be able to see who it is in my next route of investigation, which lead me to check the BMI donations list, and funnily enough, there were payments made to several BMI members by the organisation. What is even less surprising is further down the list is the donation of 4G by viperb10 to the organisation.

He now claims that he only paid them to vote up the article, but why do you need to move to that region to vote up an article? And now he has both resigned from the party and from the Royal Guard, which reinforces the doubt that some people had in him from the start. But this isn’t just about this one case. A rival mercenary group EliMercs was recently involved in the attempted PTO of our closest allies Ireland, and are run by the notorious Hoth and Dodgy Dude, the latter a military commander and running for congress in the North West. The Question is- Are these groups acceptable in our society? And when it comes down to it, are these groups loyal to the eUK, or to the money?

That was a special report from IndieKid,
Following the Money on the Guns for Hire