Guide to Erepublik: Congress

Day 399, 16:58 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

As we celebrate our one month birthday from regaining New South Wales, Australia's first congress election approaches. Now as we are a very young nation most of us probably do not understand the process of being elected into congress or what a congressman does. In this article, I will explain the process and the importance of an active congressman.

As we currently only have 2 regions, our congress will contain 20 congressmen rather then the normal 40. This will be 9 congressmen from Victoria and New South Wales, and 2 wildcards. Wildcards are candidates who finished outside the top 9, but have the most votes out of all the other rejected candidates, regardless of their region. For more info on wildcards go here.

Now that we know how congress is elected what can a congressman do? A congressmen can propose a maximum of 2 laws per mandate even if they are rejected. The possible laws they can propose are:

New Citizen Fee: This is how much money new players get from the treasury when the join Australia.

Donate Money: As the money in the treasury can only be spent of declaring war, by donating money to an organisation (in our case the National Bank of Australia) the money can be spent on many things including providing AUD to company's to donating gold to train our Dropbears (I wish😉 )

Issue Money: A congressman can propose to print more money here but a tax is also paid at the rate of 1 AUD printed= 0.005 gold. So if 10,000 AUD is proposed to be printed the fee would be 50 gold or around 1850AUD at the current exchange rate. Proposing too much AUD can lead to inflation.

Change Taxes: One of the most important law a congressman can propose (well at this stage of our economy anyway). Taxes can't be lower then 1% for all taxes, higher than 99% for import and income tax and higher then 50% for VAT (the tax added onto the price of goods (RM doesn't have VAT)).

Minimum Wage: A congressman can propose a change in the minimum salary which employees receive. Usually occurs if inflation is high and the minimum doesn't cover the cost of q1 food.

President Impeachment: Here is the big one. This proposes the forcible removal of the President. For this law to pass 2/3 of the congress must agree and the runner up in the presidential elections will become the new president.

So there ya have it folks you are now informed on how congress works. Yes, I will be running for congress and I guess I will release my manifesto in the next couple of hours or when I can be bothered.

Peace out and have a safe Christmas Eve.