Guerras del Sur - South Wars [ESP/ENG]

Day 1,277, 12:35 Published in Mexico Mexico by Carl0sz

En el día 1,277 de Erepublik, ya se recupero una región y se logro conservar a “Oaxaca”, algo muy importante para eMéxico porque era la última región que nos quedaba en el país.

Después de estas victorias en batallas se espera hacer varias “RW” para recuperar regiones, además que no creo que sea probable que se cumpla la expectativa del presidente, que es “Controlar tres nuevas regiones (Hawaii, Noroeste de México y Oaxaca)”. Por lo menos ya tenemos nuevamente a Oaxaca, pero lo importante no es cumplir esto, lo importante seria tener las 6 regiones que nos faltan, de preferencia antes de que se acabe el mandato del presidente.


On the day of Erepublik 1.277, and recovered a region and keep achieving "Oaxaca", something very important for e-Mexico because it was the last region that was left in the country.

After these victories in battle is expected to make several "RW"to recover regions, and I do not think that is likely to meet the expectation of a president who is "Track three new regions (Hawaii, North of Mexico and Oaxaca). " At least we have back to Oaxaca, but the important thing is to accomplish this, the important thing would be to have the 6 regions that we need, preferably before the end of the mandate of the president.