Grover | Earn cc with Grover!

Day 2,289, 23:30 Published in Greece Romania by NonosG4

What is Grover?
Grover is a platform to monetize your vote in the newspaper articles of eRepublik.
You, as a user of Grover, can buy votes and / or give value to yours.
Example: A user makes the purchase of 50 votes to 250 cc, other users who vote by Grover, will have a gain of 4 cc per vote.

To enjoy the experience in Grover, we have developed a totally simple and intuitive platform. Explore the features of the platform.

Immediate purchases
In Grover you can deposit and withdraw your money at any time. The advantage of this system is that when making your purchase of votes. These are quickly made ​​if you have the right balance to the order. No more waiting.

Full control of your orders
You can follow the votes of your orders and report those to be wrong to be annulled. Total transparency.

Referral System
Invite others to join Grover and win a commission.
For every vote bought by your referrals, you will have a profit of 0.1 cc.
And more! From your profile you can view all your referrals and the total profit they generate.

Your data is synchronized
Your user data is synchronized with the data in eRepublik, to give you a feeling that never go out of the game because the game is part of Grover.

System News
You can always be informed of the latest news from the home page of Grover. Communication is a key factor for our team.

Modern and Responsive Design
We work 100% focused on the interface to make it comfortable and intuitive. You can enjoy Grover on your phone.

Join Now!!