Grev Per is Retiring

Day 224, 07:09 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Dear Friends, supporters, and Danes

Today I regret to inform you that I am retiring. Not from the game. I am simply stepping down from my duties towards the media and being active. This is what it sounds like. A temporary retirement. I believe I have lost all interest in this game.

I'm simply burned out I suppose. I was active on the Swedish forums, the Danish forums, Erepublik and then I was writing articles. This all stood in the way of my real life responsilbilities of working as much as possible, passing my exams, and being drunk all the time (on a 5 day streak right now.)

I'm going to contact the President of Sweden and see if he would be willing to give Denmark at least partially her independence. In which case I would strongly support either Nicki or A. Holst as candidates for the president of Denmark. In any case I will give A. Holst what remains of the Danish treasury (after taking a small cut for myself.)

I predict that sometime in the future my interest will be rekindled. But after keeping the Danish resistance alive for 3 or 4 months after we were conquered, I don't really feel like it anymore. No other country had an active resistance like ours, no country cared like ours did. But 3 months without any results makes it loose it's charm a bit.

Sweden, you've been mostly cool. Some of you were douchebags but most of you seemed like pretty cool guys. The active people certainly made the game more interesting. Gustavius, Josef Starck, and Ph03nix are all assets to the Swedish media. (Well not Gustavius so much anymore. but he used to.)

At some point the resistance module will come into effect, and I'm going to try and get as many foreign nationales at that time as possible to come to Swedish lands and fuck you guys up a bit.

So this is just a notice, I no longer accept the responsibilities of Denmark's figurehead anymore. Grev Per is gonna be the old man in the back who plays a passive game for a while. And who passively seeks Danish independence.

P.s. I was a spy for the Bulgarian Ministry of Information, lol Sweden.