Grev Per and the Cause of Freedom

Day 254, 21:08 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Copenhagen, Denmark

For shame Sweden! Once again the mongoloids in the imperialist dictatorship of Sweden have ruined the game for another country. Oh yes I'm aware this might be old news by now, but indulge me.

The Swedes seem intent on ruining the game for any country that ever bordered them. For any country that ever bothered them in real life. This is simply unacceptable.

I am quite honestly shocked and awed by the fact that the international community has not done a thing. You would think that the international community would rather have Denmark and Sweden independent, then the perpetual boredom machine that is the Swedish fascist zerg rush.

Well no more. Danes and Germans, it's time we say NO. It's time we say IT'S NOT ALRIGHT. We are the 6th largest party. We only need something like 25 members to be eligible for the upcoming elections (okay, we are hopeless on this one but perhaps in future elections.)

We must no longer allow the Swedish aggression to continue. We liked our countries. Our countries were better. Clearly our countries even had better writers, I don't think anyone in Sweden has gained as much notoriety and international acclaim as the writers of Denmark and Germany.

Dear world, please come and join us and help us ruin Sweden.

Finally, I actively support anyone and everyone who is attempting to destroy Sweden, that's why I say "Vote Purjoløk Ops", that's really our best chance at Sweden being destroyed.

God it sucks to still be in Sweden. I was hoping to awaken like Holger Dansker in Kronborg castle. However I am simply Christian the 10th enduring house arrest.