Greener Grass

Day 892, 15:02 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Hello Everyone!

So a few days ago I took a big step and moved out of the eUS to explore some other countries. It was tough to leave behind the familiar and the routine but I have just grown so sick of what eUS politics has become that I thought it might be time for something new.

I know the tension that exists between eUS and eUK and if some of my old friends and colleagues 'across the pond' want to disown me because of my new home, that is their prerogative. Personally I am just looking for a place where I can contribute in some way, maybe that place will be the eUK, maybe I will grow weary of fighting against my native land and move on. Regardless, if given citizenship here in the eUK I will not work to subvert their way of life nor will I denounce my former home. I will simply do what I can to contribute to this proud nation.

I also decided that my new locale called for a change in avatar as well. I'm still rocking the Gerard Butler theme, because he is a BAMF, but I thought a more subtle, less aggressive look was in order (assuming eRep actually loaded my new pic...they sometimes fail at that).

I look forward to my time here in the land of my RL ancestors, the home of the Beatles and King Arthur, Dr. Who and Margaret Thatcher.

If giving citizenship I intend to join The Unity Party, from what i have read about them and the few members I have talked to they seem like a solid group of people committed to fighting for the ideals that I hold dear.

Thank you for your time and God Bless

Daniel Dodge