Grain Tax Change- My Proposal

Day 587, 17:08 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

I have just introduced this to the congressional debate forums and debate will continue for 24 hours. This is to all domestic grain producers calling for a higher import rate to protect you further. Some do not think a higher import tax would be good. I personally do.

Keep in mind that these views and ideas are expressed by me as an Individual and not as a government as a whole. Debate will continue and private and not in public for 24 hours and then we will go from there depending on the nature of the debate. This is another Transparency effort on my part.

This is the initial post.

I hereby propose the following correction and voting session on the Grain Tax rates. There has been much heated debate regarding grain tax over the past month and I personally think this proposal would help to correct the issue going forward. Let’s engage in friendly debate for 24 hours before we move to vote. I think it is worthy of our time and will encourage good debate on the issue that was left unresolved previously.

Income Tax- 2% income tax- The government needs to make some money, lowering income tax across the board will not allow the government to pay for the things the people need. This proposal only raises the income tax 1% which is not much, but every NIS counts, this will allow companies to continue to operate with enough profit to carry on.

Import Tax- 35%- This will raise the import tax from 20% back up to 35%. This will help stem the flow of foreign grain. The grain market has been deflated and prices have fallen in regards to grain over the last month as a whole. Cheap grain means cheap food for cheap people. Higher grain means higher food, for cheap people, for a while at least. If domestic grain companies can actually operate with a small profit, they will in turn be able to pay their employees more, creating an economic base for the food industry to build off of over time. If grain employees are making more, then they can afford to buy the slightly higher food. Our economy is deflated more so than many other nations at this time and I firmly believe that it starts with grain. My initial thought was back up to 50% for import tax but in order to appease resistance from the other side I will settle for proposing 35% in an effort to reach across the Isle.

There are several different arguments and angles with this situation and rightfully so. One argument is that Israel is only a medium grain producing nation. Okay, but we are a small nation with not very many mouths to feed, we should only be supporting ourselves with grain and not others, and same thing with food, these things should be strictly domestic. We must build an economic base off of grain and food, and then focus on other areas of economic concern.

I am not an economist, but I am a person with National pride, and a nation that allows other nations to feed it dominantly is not a wise one. We must make our necessities here with what we have and build a base off of it. We must support our domestic companies. Israel comes first, Imports last in areas where we don’t need them. In areas such as wood and oil and other resources, we have to have imports, and that is where they come in. We had grain, we still have it. Let’s use it and only it.