Government acts of recklessness

Day 108, 05:11 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Confucius

A few comments
Fist of all, i would like to know why are the company taxes so high. There is no hosptial industry, , so i don t see the government needing to get loaded with cash at the moment. It is unwise to have high taxes, because it forces me to sell my products at higher price (not good for the consumer)

Also, and this is very important, why did the presidency decide to allocate only 25 CNY to new chinese citizens. Starting with such low cash makes it impossible for any new citizen to start a comapany (and we need to have moving companies, hospital companies, housing companies). It is completely stupid to have set the entry fee that low, as we will not be able to see any new industries in the future.
So if i were the president i would have vote in congress a higher entry fee (which would be maintained temporarily).
Also, i would ask congressmen to vote wisely, and not say yes any time like sheeps.