gossips about crista22

Day 854, 04:03 Published in Greece Ireland by columbia

Today we meet a girl from Romania that plays erepublik for almost a year, crista22,so lets hear her

1. How did you first met the game?

Well, I accidentally found our eRomania old forums and saw that a friend of mine played the game (I figured it was him after the nickname) so i started playing. I made an account and ditched it for like 2 months because I was bored out of my mind not knowing that there are other things to do besides work and train. And in the end I joined the National Guard, our baby unit and actually started playing.

2.what do you find so interesting to stay in this game for so long?(soon you will celebrate your first e-birthday)

The first step I took was becoming a member of the Romanian Army. I am part of the Romanian Air Forces since I had strength 5.5 and people there made me stay. After that, I started going out on eRepublik meetings with people I got to meet on #ero. The community, in my opinion, makes you keep playing. The people you know, different cultures, time spent during tough battles and other things. You get to bond with players and get to know them.

3.how difficult is for a girl to play a strategy game like erepublik and survive in a man's e-world?(ok this is a question just for my readers,not for me 😃)

Heh, if I had a dollar for each time someone asked me this, I would be rich! If you have brains and you are a reasonable person I don't see why men in this game wouldn't give you, as a woman, credibility. I have to admit that men can fall pretty easy if you say you are a girl, even online! The friend that, in a way made me play, told me when I was just a soldier that I will have no chance as a girl to achieve things like commander of a military unit, MoFA and others, because as much as we try it is a game played 90% by men.

4.Would you like to give a biography about Crista22 ingame?

I was actually thinking about writing a page on wiki about my character but when I hear the stories some people tell, I get all nostalgic and think I am so small and that I have nothing to write compared to them. So I will let some more time to pass and if I keep playing for another year I will write something.

5.some months ago there was a risky plan from both Greece and Romania to attack Turkey but you put eGreece in danger by conquering Mamrmara, would you like to talk a little about that? just to remind http://www.erepublik.com/en/battles/show/8207 http://www.erepublik.com/en/battles/show/8220

It was Romania's plan to have some fun and revive our nation. A plan which in the end got us JUST to wake up and spend a lot of money. I was Minister of Foreign Affairs, in the team of our "beloved" President andyr, back then. When we were talking with the Greek Government about the plan I was excited about the action, but on the way it did not seem such a idea anymore. Before we started with the attacks, Romania took part in some EDEN missions, we were having talks with the allies, I was elected assistant Foreign Affairs Organizer of EDEN, and I had two "jobs" which gave me headaches. From that point on my job as liaison in the arrangements for the attacks was null. As a member of HQ, and all former members can say this, I was against the moves Romania did but as a Romanian I was still having problems in separating my nationalism from the impartiality I had to embrace as a part of the EDEN HQ. Back then, other countries had separate initiatives too and that made EDEN unbalanced and weak. Romania's campaign was the cherry on top.

6.Recently we saw an official EDEN statement about USA which was also signed by the president of Romania,what is your personal position on that?

In my opinion, USA did not manage the situation as it should. They have internal problems concerning the chain of command (President - Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff) and we saw that during the resistance war in Slovenian-Littoral. Because they were fighting in Sindh, EDEN's objectives were in danger. I think that they have to resolve things and after that return and fight by our side again. I don't want to judge, because I know how it feels to have differences with someone in your own team.

7.How do you see the position of eGreece in EDEN?

I can't say anything bad about eGreece. You can always be trusted and eGreece is one of the pillars of EDEN. It is a country that I love and I have friends there like baglamas, che greco and others who are awesome people.

8.What is your personal future plans? Are we gonna see another girl president in e-world?

Probably in few months. But I am not sure if the country will be Romania. I really like the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs and the diplomatic area, and I will probably step down soon from the command of the Romanian Air Forces. I like coordinating operations and taking care of soldiers. I already have a great team there that took most of my obligations considering the fact that this term I am MoFA. I would like to thank them for doing that! 😃

9.Would we have the honour to see you moving to eGreece to work and fight from here? 🙂

As much as I love eGreece my first stop is Bosnia and Herzegovina. I would like to support my eFiance's political career. Behind every successful man,there is a woman. If eGreece needs it I take the first q1 ticket I have and fight! Although we never know what the future holds for us.

10.Finally I would like to know why in EDEN they call you jail-bait 😃?

Well, they call jail-baits all the girls in EDEN. It was something like an inside joke. Few months ago I was a jail-bait with vingaer and Atea. Now I am not called like that anymore, but I have Sirbeg and Ommi as my favorite jail-baits in the whole eWorld.

Well thank you very much crista22 for your time,we will keep in touch

next on gossip girl,"gossips about geokos"stay tuned