Goodbye PK Hello FK!

Day 960, 11:43 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

My first article for v2. Please Read vote and subscribe. And comments would be appreciated.

I would like to thank all those who voted for me in the presidential elections and I would like to congratulate FK for his win.

Now I think its time to say goodbye to our two term President PK. Many of you know ive been an outspoken critic of his presidency.

I want to outline what I think are the pros and cons of his presidency.


- Liberated all our regions from Turkey and got as a result a peace agreement set up and our treasury filled back up.

- As a result of the war produced a big baby boom and was relatively successful in integrating them.

- Economy was stable.


- Cabinet was set up to include friends and political assets rather then the most capable people for the job. For example his Minister of Defense (Matanb) is someone who has publicly favored the disbandment of the eIDF. These decisions for his cabinet where made to get Sababa support in the elections which is how he won.

- Political motivated firing of Maelyn and the subsequent destruction of the eIDF. During the invasion of eIsrael I might add. The invasion in which all our regions where conquered by Turkey. He replaced Maelyn with someone with no experience to lead the entire Nations Military.

- Failure to Rebuild the eIDF and our defense network after his plan of "Simplification" failed. 'Simplification" means he wants to destroy all the work put into the eIDF before v2. As a Result we have no real military capable to deal with v2 as of now. He instead blamed others for the destruction of the eIDF and nothing has been done to fix it what so ever.

- Did nothing to ease Hebrew English Speaking Tensions if anything he fueled the fire by posting presidential announcements only in FXP and making most of his cabinet Hebrew onlyu speakers and forcing people to pick deputys as hebrew only Speakers. Same thing was done in the eIDF but he claimed he wasnt getting rid of English Speakers just "UZP" members. He didnt like to say English Players so he referred to them all as "UZP Members" to avoid criticism despite the fact that many or most of them where not affiliated with UZP.

- Un-Presidential like behavior. He would take part in trash talking on forums and on articles. He would attack individuals who where critics of his policies. He would blame others for his mistakes and find scapegoats. He would do this behind many peoples back by doing it on FXP where hebrew speakers cant see what he was saying.

- Tried to create a One party State. After the Invasion hes intentions where since there where no Parties left in eIsrael the best plan was to create one big party in which everyone was a part of and there would be no opposition to the government. Maybe Im being extreme here but hes belief was if anyone opposed his views on things they where simply &quot😉ividing the country" while he was "Uniting it"

- Lack of Government transparency was a main feature of his Presidency. You would never have any presidential announcements and no one would know or be aware of what the government was working on. Everything was done behind the scenes by a few select individuals who where in turn deciding the fate of the country. I know this cause I was part of these meetings.

These re my personal opinions you dont have to agree with them but its what I felt about his presidency. There was more but I didnt feel like publishing it. Ive tried many times to remain on friendly terms with PK but every time we agreed to stop fighting he would write something insulting about me.

Aeroner recently decided to bring us together in a IRC chat to work things out. Instead of working out our differences he wrote a wall of text attacking and insulting me before quitting. It was very childish behavior and not that of a Countrys President. I lost all the respect I had for him and he made himself to look like a fool. It seems towards the end of his term he simply &quot😉idnt give a F@%!"

Now Franz.

Your a 2 time President of eIsrael and 3 time President of the Czech Republic?

Something like that but no one can doubt your experience.

I do feel you have become something of a puppet of the "New Sababa aka Shalom"

You have a cabinet basically the same as PK's with the exception that there are no people in it that dont belong to Sababa (With the exception of Aeroner)

Some people where looking forward to a new face for this nation as we have a history of recycled politicians and "Old School Boys" but im not saying that in a negative way.

In any case I hope your Presidency is a good one. You need to rebuild the eIDF and I hope you listen to different views on the matter rather then just the people who destroyed it to begin with (PK and Matanb) Joshua Hoss and Maelyn and others have all offered to help get the eIDF back on track so dont waste valuable assets like them.

I hope you ease tensions between hebrew Speakers and do something about FXP but I doubt that as it is a tool in which decides who is President. Hopefully you read my views on the matter in my previous articles.

I would like to see more government transparency, I was going to say a good cabinet with new faces and fresh new ideas but it seems youve already chosen a cabinet and its anything but that.

And you know the rest V2 planning the economy etc etc. I hope you do well and bring eIsrael forward.

Just dont be a repeat of the previous presidency.

Am Yisrael Chai

Truly Yours
