Goodbye Amurika

Day 1,101, 17:38 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy
Hello Amurika, would you like to listen to some awesome music?

As you may be able to tell from the title I'm leaving these United States of Amurika. I've had jolly good fun here. In my short time back I brought with me the idea of eFascism. Met some really cool guys and by the grace of Zammuel was elected to Congress. I would like to say that I love you all and it's been real fun being here.

But somewhere a small country crys out. A country that has been assaulted by Communists and is under threat of invasion by some other country no one really cares about.

I am talking of course about Singapore! A country I feel is my third eHome, next to the eUS and eGreece. I will be moving back there tomorrow after my term in Congress is over.