Goodbye, Adiós, Adieu, अलविदा, I will see you again sometime...

Day 748, 18:26 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

Im leaving...

Hello Ireland, i just wanted to announce my departure to India. The main reason for my departure is to explore the world. I am not bitter about the presidential elections as i knew from the beginning i wasn't going to win. I know appleman will do a great job as President and i know he will bring Ireland to new heights.

I believe you can get to a stage where you can do no more. I feel im at that stage now. Although i love Ireland and the people here, i feel its my time to explore the world. I have only previously been to Estonia and Finland. I throughly enjoyed my times there fighting but i feel i need a little longer in a different country to loosen up and learn a few lessons.

I have accomplished a lot in my time in Ireland most notably:

- Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Chief of Guard in the IDF
- Commanding Officer in the IDF
- Ambassador to Finland (I love Finland!) and Mexico
- Founder of Saoirse
- Party President of Saoirse
- 3 time congressman
- 9th most subscribed paper in Ireland
- Ireland's first international article

It still brings me joy to see Saoirse up there in the top partys when I still can remmeber it as just a concept myself and clownprince37 thought of. I feel I have made a big media presence in Ireland (if i may say so) which is for the better. I believe we must encourage people to become better writers as media is a important way of communicating. I will continue to post in the Irish media but it will be not very often.

Why India?

Well i met some of the prominant Indians a while back when i was trying to implement a "Neutral Nations Federation" and they were very courteous. I remember one saying "We have a place for enthusiastic young citizens like you in India," at that moment i thought nothing of it and just thanked them for their input. Now i have taken up that offer.

I feel India has got a lot i can learn. They are a small enough country with a small population of RL Indians and alot of immigrants. This reminds me of Ireland. I want to see what is different about us two and what can be learnt to improve Ireland.

I am planning on returning to Ireland, hopefully with more knowledge on things to be improved in Ireland.

I know i can't fully leave Ireland behind so i choose a country with a little bit of Ireland in the flag:

(Notice the Green, White and Gold)

What about my duties?

I am a current congressman and Party President. When I leave I will continue my role as congressman on the forums but won't be able to participate in ingame votes. Also as Party President, i feel bad leaving into my term but its near the end and will be in the good hands of Gleb2006 or Biffo3000. Saoirse will always be a part of me so i will continue to converse with the members as i have a loyalty to the party. I will be in Ireland spiritally and check up on all the media when i can.

Until next time Ireland, I will return if danger befalls you!

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder and Party President of Saoirse
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico

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