Good Old Britain; Here We Go Again...

Day 604, 19:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale

I'm sure you all know about the wars versus France and other coutnries that are now in effect causing a "World War". Well guess what! Its more of the same. Nothing new, nothing interesting. It's a cycle that must happen once every few months. Stupid presidents get elected, cause global war, and get impeached, leaving the small nations in shambles and borders massively redrawn.

My question: Why on God's Good Earth is this happening?

My Answer: Stupidity, Greed, and Utter Incompetance.

I am not naming people or naming the very meanings. These three demons of destruction go hand in hand and when the blind lead the blind (like in America) the Stupidity, in the leaders, causes events to unfold that instill Greed into politicians. Then, my personnel favorite: Utter Incompetance! It is the combination of Stupidity and Greed. This is the "Perfect Storm" of the breakdown in common sense. Stupid Presidents cause wars. Greed in politicians makes them pass stupid laws (yes it all comes down to stupidity) and then best of all, when all is said and done, there is total and utter incompetance. People don't know what they're doing anymore! Countries breakdown, bringing their economies with them, and then the eCitizen gets the ultimate side-effect of, usually, a group of 20 people with the knowledge less than a peanut.

Take, for example, the current situation. The U.K. has just dominated France in what I call the 5 Minute Wars. Now, because of this, the U.K. has territory in North America. Because of this, those americans are getting nervous "Oh God, 1812 all over again!" and then what happens??? Chaos. Stupidity takes over the minds of millions and then physically appears in the form of treaties that will never last.

This is how countries rise and fall. This is how Britain Rose, and will fall.

In these turbulent times, God Save Everyone.