Good News, Bad news

Day 844, 09:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by camcam

A lot more changed in the eUk yesterday then meets the eye. Well actully we were jsut put in a diiffrent trajectory. Two diffrent newspaper articles, shaped what an eUK citizen can do in v2. As you all know, London is our own high anything region, and will stay that way. According to the Insider there seems to be no new resources added in v2. However suddenly, the control of South Africa becomes very very important with the addition of titanium replacing Diamonds. Suddenly the 4dalolz takeover becomes a very valuable resource.

It is very likely that becuase Australia and South Africa, both with high diamond regions, and low populations, are getting titanium. A new conflict between EDEN and Phoenix will emerge. In fact it is certain, that the eUK military will be very highly used in upcoming months, to help hold SOuth Africa and take Australia. For those of you who wish to help, and want to level up by fighting, join here:
Another article that will change v2 is this one:
announcing new government bonds means that a) the government will certainly be prepared for v2, b) more government control on the monetary market, and c) more private investment money when v2 does roll around. While a and c are obvious and very good as well, it is b that is the most important.

With more control(they will have more money to trade, but more importantly less competion since the competiton is invested in them), they will be able to change more funds to gold, qicker, and let the eUK people profit off of the governments good name. With this latest issueing, a lot of gold will be put on the monetary market, and people buy from the eUK to help our country out. So now with these bonds, people will be profiting off that name. Is this fair? comment with your answer.
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