Good-Bye Super Soldiers

Day 963, 18:57 Published in USA USA by MISCmeatheadMilitia

Would you like some reading Music

(Credit to getting me to be able to make that a clickable link above goes to Maru)

For those of you who were DAYS within getting a Super Soldier and a Treasure Map are no longer eligible to get one, thanks to the fact that the Super Soldier award NO LONG EXISTS!

How Miffed are you? Thats right I said Miffed what are you ganna do about it fat boy!

On another note:

Many of us have noticed that there really isn't a significant advantage of training right now. We barely gain anything, especially if we are already a Veteran+* <

Whatever the F that means. I for one have used the 200%+ Booster, upon clicking train, began to WTF until I was blue in the face. I gained a measly 1800 skill points. So I said screw it, I'm ganna make that chedda.

Which for the most part, many of you have come to realize. Find a job. Work 12 hours, Train/Study 4 hours and Relax 8. So instead of 2 clicking we are more or less doing the Electric Slide 3 times and click 3 times, new face, same game.

Unless of course you're poor and don't have a Q5 house.... peons.

Which is also another thing that sucks, the fact that my Q5 house, the one I purchased in V1 for 25 Gold only gets 2 months of use. What kinda melarki is that?

This is MISCmeatheadMilitia signing out saying good-night and F**K YOU 😉

Viva La France!!


F the french

Go America!