Gold Surveys Make Me Mad...

Day 763, 11:13 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire


OK Erepublik, I did like 4 of your gold free offer survey thingymajiggers. I should have 7 gold by now. Do you know how much gold I have received? Take a wild, out of this world guess! 0! that's right, after spending like 10 minutes on each flipping survey, I get NOTHING! Oh, wait...I did get 15 spam e-mails 5 minutes after completing one of your surveys!

How can you even tell when the stupid thing is over??? I get to a silver-gold-platinum offer thing and have no clue if I am done or not! Then half the surveys you claim to be free, we find at the end force you to take 4 other surveys, half of which require payment!?!?! I don't even know how to finish the freaking things half the time! Then I finally did one that has a definite end when they finally stop asking me questions and I no longer have a submit/pass option. What happens then? Guess! I look on the "view offer status" page, you know, the one that says "awaiting offer confirmation" while you are taking the survey? The second I finished, all it says is "viewed". Do I get my gold from this? Of Course not! Because apparently you have to be a magical unicorn fairy to actually finish these things and get a reward out of them! There, I wasted my time and got nothing for it...oh, wait, yeah, the spam e-mails taking over my inbox...can't forget about those, now can we?
