God these are getting boring... Not another manifesto :/

Day 733, 17:44 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

Congress elections -This is a time where Manifestos flood the news and citizens are flooded with choices to make for the upcoming congress elections. Candidates promising many things, quite alot unattainable and seeminly ridiculous. I for one will not do this.

Here is what i won't offer:

- I will not offer what i cannot give
- I will not exaggerate what i will achieve
- I will not betray you trust
- I will not flood the media with my articles
- I will not let down eIreland

Here is what i will offer:

- I will do what i think is best for eIreland
- I will be active in my duty to the people of eIreland
- I will treat my superiors with respect
- I will vote on every ingame proposal
- I will try and vote and comment in most of the Dail threads

Why does this manifesto look a bit different to the others?

The reason is originality. There needs to be originality when running for congress as it sets you aside from the rest. Originality makes your article more readable and attracts more readers as you are different from the rest.

I could post my views on everything from why the sky is blue or why patton eats baby's but i don't want to bore you. If you want my views, message me and ill tell you about the economy and governement etc.

What have i done for eIreland?

- Current joint Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Party President and Founder of the 3rd biggest political party Saoirse
- Ambassador of Finland and Mexico
- Recruiter for eIreland
- Organised and carried out the first Inter Party Council
- A mentorer
- Wrote one of eIreland's first international article, which reached 15th in eRepublik It has been translated into Russian and Chinese.

What I Have Done For Saoirse?

- I am the current Party President
- I have founded Saoirse's predecessor, An Pairti Saor
- I have founded Saoirse with clownprince39
- I have been Vice President for 3 adjacent terms
- I have created animations (see below), images for saoirse and a website
- I have helped write wiki pages and many recruitment articles
- I have helped become the 3rd biggest party

Like me? Then vote me...

If not theres plenty of other people to votes for, id rather you vote for the people who deserve it, like buddysilver than people who don't.

One thing you have to make sure is...

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico