Go USA!! Go Croatia!! Go Spain!! Go Switzerland!! Go Bluemen!!

Day 614, 11:12 Published in Switzerland Spain by Bu Itol

Hello my dear citizens of the eworl😛

My name is Bu Itol. I am over a year old and I can vote, fight and even mortagage my house. With almost a couple of months, I arranged a sect with my blue and earless friends. What up? Because, indeed, we are all blue colored and we all lack hearing organs. That's why we are not used to listen to people, and our extremely peculiar way of living the reality leads to the fact that we are not able to distinguish what's good or evil.

Nowadays we last only a few earless beings, Bleeding, and Bu Itol.

We promise to Croatia, our friend, that if we get 1000 suscribers we will give them 15 gold money for aid, when they can kick-off Serbian and Hungarian from their congress.

For that goal we start a world tour, to try gain 1000 subscribers. Our first stop was Croatia, later we went we went to Poland, Finland, USA, Canada, Israel, Sweden, Greece, Romania...

Romania is again our next stop, and we tell you:

Subscibe to this 2 newspapers:



It's free.

Thank you for all. See you at battleground.

Go Romania
Go Croatia
Go Spain
Go Switzerland
