Glas za Kosovo i Metohiju!

Day 595, 05:10 Published in Serbia Serbia by pravnik4

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Dear citizens of eWorld,

We know why we all play this game!
Even when it is full of bugs we still continue to play! Why – Because we love this game!
And for the same reason we want to make it better!

There are two questions here –

(1)What are criteria to have new Country in erepublik; and what are criteria
for its borders in this game?

(2)How to find the solution for regions that are NOT in the game, but certain
nation thinks it should be originally in their country?

You know that I am talking about Kosovo, right?! But this is not only
question about eKosovo and state eSerbia! This is problem of this game; and what are the rules of this game...
One can say – we do not care! Ok, but that is not good enough reason for some of us who want to know what are the rules of the game we play...

In RL there are disputed regions; we have very small states; we have even states without land...
But look, there is also one eCountry in this game that
has over 4000 citizens – eSerbia. We even formed Ministry to solve this problem and we’ll have more and more new citizens almost coming to play this game wanting to have answer from admins... Serbian Government every day has to answer questions about Kosovo and Metohia!
So we created Ministry. You can ask why!? Serbian Ministry for Kosovo and Metohia wants to help admins to solve this problem, so that we can continue playing this great game knowing what the rules are , not to have hate and conflicts in forums and against the game!

We need your help!

Admins needs our help!

Tell us what you think and join us in our quest to make this game better - to have one rule for all regions and countries in eRepublik! We want to hear your thoughts about this problem.
Not because of eSerbia but because of the game we all love!

This is in interest of every citizen of eRepublik.

Thank you for your help friends!


Ministry for Kosovo and Metohia



Neka mi neko ne zameri, zeleo sam da sto vise ljudi vidi ovo!