Glas građana #3 - Nove zemlje (New countries)

Day 998, 08:02 Published in Croatia Croatia by Vjekoslav1701


Autor ovog izdanja Glasa građana želi iz nekog razloga ostati anoniman. Ja sam preveo na engleski.

Svi znamo da je ova regija regija s najvise ratovanja i trosenja zlata, zamislite da su na karti jos preostale RL zemlje regije. Na koju stranu bi otisle? Bili imale Baby Boomove? Koliko bi zlata trosile? Kako god bilo admini bi dobili svoje, vise ljudi i vise zlata u optoku, pa sto cekate?

Samo pogledajte kolko je ljudi potpisalo peticiju:


The Author of this article wanted to stay anonymous for some reason.

We all know that this region has the most wars and spends a lot of gold, imagine that the remaining RL regions are on the map. Which side would they choose? Would they have Baby Booms? How much gold would they spend? In any case, the admins would be satisfied, there would be more people and more gold circulating. So, what are you waiting?

Look how much people have signed the petition: