GLaDOS: A Trail of Broken Promises

Day 683, 09:13 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Last month, the British public chose to elect The Unity Party candidate for President, GLaDOS. GLaDOS ran under left wing principles (as in tune with the party) such as the creation of more government run companies both at home and abroad. However, since his election, things have drastically changed. He has a terribly poor activity rate both on the eUk forums and (according to Necrosis) on the PEACE forums as well. We have seen him break a large number of his election pledges, swap parties (even though he promised he wouldn't) and completely abandon the left wing ideology that got him elected.

First I'll start by examining his first manifesto, which can be found here:

Foreign Affairs

2. Making amends with the other side of the world. I would like to begin an attempt to normalize relations with the USA'

I would hardly say goading them into trying to attacking us and then purposely creating an open war with them is an attempt to normalise relations, but that's just me.

'If elected, I would appoint an ambassador to the SOL alliance, the small social alliance that has been created in southeast asia.'

He appointed himself. Go figure.


'1.Restructuring of the royal guard.

The royal Guard will be restructured immensely. Activity will be checked twice a week, in the form of a PM sent by each RG individual to his CO.'

This didn't happen, although I'm told that most people check in every 3 days. Honestly, people want to recieve weapons and want the Guard to take a much more active part in the country and they check in every 3 days.

'Weapons will be handed out by a new method, which involves a secret code that is issued to each RG individual via the UK military portal. The individual will then log onto IRC and send this code to his commanding officer. after this code is sent, the individual will then be issued weapons.'

Another idea that hasn't been implemented. Probably because lots in the RG do not use the irc/forums regularly.

'An emergency IRC channel will be set up, where ordinary citizens can receive guns to defend the nation with'

#ukcivguns was already up and functioning when this manifesto was published, therefore making this defunct.

'Organizing squads with their own IRC channels. Each squad would come online at a certain time and hit the wall together, '

Organised strikes do happen, but serving in the military I have seen no sign of individual irc channels for squads.

Domestic Manifesto

'continued monetary market guidance.

The GBP has been one of the most stable currencies in the world, and that is very much to do with our fine monetary market controls. as PM, I will continue the tradition of keeping the monetary market stable and preserving the GBP value.'

This is the bit of the domestic section I find the most controversial, and one of the reasons I am voting against GLaDOS this election. Although he promised this, arthur Wellesley, who is something like the 6th time Minister of Finance, decided to let the monetary market go into freefall. The effect has been catastrophic with masses of businesses failing and shutting down, as goods became more expensive and prices crashed. Even companies such as Ape (run by our ex president kumnaa) have had to close down as much of their trade was international, and the change in the value of GBP meant the goods could not compete of the international market. I call for Arthur to be sacked and replaced by someone competent that isn't concerned with lining his own pockets ahead of the nation's interests.


The eUK owes a great deal to Jack Harris, who decided he was bored with business and gave his Q5 hospital company to the country free of charge. However what baffles me is the flawed logic of GLaDOS' ideas. I take it the idea of upgrading all Q3 regions is out the window, because for some strange reason the Q4 hospital in the North West was replaced when there are still regions (such as Y&H and Wales) with Q3 hospitals. I discovered that the location for the hospital (it was between Y&H and the NW) was decided through congress votes. Lets have a look shall we?

Total votes: 81 (NW) +81 fights
Total votes: 58 (Y&H) + 116 fights

Go figure.

The War

Let's have a think shall we? Oh, that war. You mean the one we got all hyped up and propagandered about, the one which is over already? That's right folks, we sure spent a lot of money on the war (I think it was one of the reasons people initially backed glados, Woldy is not a military expert and it seems suspicious that GLaDOS would start the war just before the elections, at great cost to the country) and EDEN ended it by just taking control of Norway and wiping it off the map. We now have an open war with America (I think that was the intention) and I don't think even they are stupid enough to attack us. Mr Woldy is the current ambassador to the USA, so hopefully he can attempt to build up relations based upon the people he has met in that job.

Party Hopping and the like

I've got no real problem with party hopping. I'd be a hypocrite if I was. Sometimes parties change, become inactive, you feel like you don't agree with their policies anymore or w/e. However when the FDP emerged and lots of high profile characters from the top UK parties defected to this smaller party, GLaDOS (who's party held opposing views to the FDP) guaranteed that he would not change party. Yet that's exactly what he did. He also said he would only run for one term. Another lie. But maybe the 2 are linked. I suppose not getting your own way must be so frustrating for a man like GLaDOS, that he had to find another party to support him to re-run, instead of stepping aside and letting Woldy have a turn.

In conclusion, you can see the way that GlaDOS has gone back on quite a few of his promises, the two biggest let downs being the military and the state of the economy. Remember, these were the reasons that we voted for him in the first place (including me in that) and he has constantly let us down. His lack of communication to both the general public and to members of the government meant that he didn't have much of an impact. A last ditch attempt to boost popularity with a war that closed almost as soon as it started (I for one was looking forwards to weeks of battles) doesn't justify a month of false promises and inactivity.

Do you really want to re-elect our leader after a month of that? Woldy is enthusiastic, well liked and has contributed massively to what sets the country apart from any other, it's community. I think now is the time to unite behind a likeable charismatic figurehead who can lead our country to great things. This is why I call on you, the general public to vote Woldy on election day.

Vote Woldy, for a Great Britain.

Mr Woldy's manifesto!