Get Ready for the Primaries

Day 1,011, 19:46 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

Greetings, slaves. This is your supreme Penguin Master speaking. Listen up or I will feed you to the leopard seals. And they’re hungry. Very hungry.

This past month we’ve seen a lot of progress in eSwitzerland. We have a functional government again. We have regular releases and we have some means of transparency with Congress and the President. And most importantly, we have JOBS!

But the time comes once again where we decide who will lead our glorious nation to greater horizons. The parties of the Coalition will band together to choose a candidate, and with a unified motive we will run our candidate for presidency. In this way, we can avoid the PTO’s which have plagued us so horrible in the past.

This month’s primaries will have some interesting changes, however. Last month, we saw chaos caused by our enemies, the Shaolins, as they voted in a primaries that they themselves were not a part of. This month, you must be a member of the Coalition to vote in the Coalition primaries. Other parties can choose their own candidates amongst themselves.

However, there is a much bigger change, one that was suggested and I am happy to incorporate. Instead of there being only one primaries per month… there will be two.

What? What can this penguin possibly mean? What I am saying is that there will be two rounds. In the first round, any member of the Coalition will be eligible to sign up by contacting me, until the 29th, when voting will be closed and the first round of the primaries will begin. After the first round is over, on the 31st, the second round will begin. The second round will be between the two candidates from the first round who secured the most votes, so that every vote will actually be counted.

Remember, you have until the end of tomorrow (Swiss time), to sign up, so hurry up and PM me to enter! There are 4 candidates who have already entere😛 Eleriel, Paul Proteus, Jimakos-Thess, and Giorgio Montana.

As a final word, I’d like to speak to the AEP. I’d like to discuss not as an opponent, but as a friend. Several months ago, we offered the Swiss Neutrality Party to join our coalition. They refused, and the civil war of eSwitzerland continued under the boots of Clifford Burns. I cannot speak for all of the Coalition, but I personally believe that you would be welcomed into our coalition as a new driving force for this country. There are individuals amongst you that have attacked and opposed our nation, but the majority of the AEP, in my opinion, want only what is best for eSwitzerland. We want to work alongside you, as allies in our quest for progress.

There is a long way to go towards true peace in this country. We can each take our separate paths, or we can travel together. AEP, the choice is yours.