Germany Needs To Boom- Recruit More Players!

Day 448, 14:45 Published in Germany Germany by Justin Tyme

The Hungarians, as pointed out in a recent media article, have just experienced an utterly massive population boom. There is no reason this can't happen in Germany!

Germany is one of the largest nations in Europe, but is very underrepresented in eRepublik. It is our duty to fix that! Every citizen who knows of an opportunity to recruit large amounts of players should take that opportunity!

There's been ideas to go into large games like WW2 Online to get players that way- these such ideas are just what we want- and need! Whether it is from online games, message boards, IRC channels- it doesn't matter. It is every citizen's patriotic duty to contribute to the growth of Germany, whether economically, politically, or in this case socially! Get to it! You should strive for the Society Builder medal!