Germany....Germany Germany...

Day 574, 06:40 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

The words that have been stuck on peoples lips for the past 1-2 weeks


well if you haven't noticed...Germany had come under attack from Sweden and Poland

(map sucks i know but i couldn't get a good one =-p)

"supposedly" according to the Swedish the Germans were doing things they shouldn't have even tho screen shots where not used to prove anything...

and the rest of allies such as the UK and America Decided to help them...and then as fast as they thought "hey we need to help our ally" they decided not to. Basically this shows that Sweden Romania ect...can do and say what they want against the UK ect..

If i was in the UK i would have defended Germany with all my might...WHILE looking for new allies...having allies who destroy other allies and threaten their own allies for helping out their allies....are not such good friends are they now?

But back to the War =-p

Slowly the Swedish and Polish took control of Germany, most people thought it was over...i have no idea why they thought PEACE was going to watch 2 Former ATLANTIS members gain land..Maybe they thought PEACE was having a picnic or something...

The next day?

Italy Invaded The currently controlled Germany Same with Hungary and France

How did Italy and Hungary get a border?

For those thinking "what the hell is this" its Austria Swapping regions with Italy and Hungary...They have probably been told "you help us...we will give you your land back"

The war had waged on...Sweden and Poland losing left right and center...they had no chance

The new map?

looks messed up eh? what will be next? Denmark? maybe even Sweden or Poland itself? it America...?

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(i had a better one written yesterday but when i went to publish text came on just the picture of Germany...)