General Cartman Lee - Most Misunderstood Guy in eRepublik?

Day 1,582, 00:12 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

I am totally misunderstood and get a bum rap. I would like to know why so many people buy in to the nonsense about me? A lot of you were not even around in 2009 to see how it all began, and regardless of what my detractors try and say, the original reasons for PTOing me and hating me were real life related, then they blame me for going to different countries or being friends with people who treat me with respect? Does that make any sense to anyone who actually has a measurable IQ?

The people who hate me in eRepublik typically hold this same view towards me outside of the game too, which is even more sad for their inability to distinguish the two, and then they harrass and torment anyone associated with me and actually convince themselves they are the good guys. They don't seem to understand what America was founded on and what it was supposed to be all about. On behalf of all Americans who actually have an understanding of history, I am sorry for all of you whose impression of our country has been in the image of those who hold power and are dishonest and dishonorable people. There are still some of us who actually stand up for what's right! 🙂

One final thing, it is a bit late, but I wanted to leave you with this beautiful Irish blessing, in honor of St. Patricks Day!