Gears of War (Copy of Uncle Sam Article)

Day 454, 15:53 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

I am using Uncle Sam's article for our media to help us understand war.


The Gears of War

Now while most people will be thinking about a very popular video game, I am referring to the basic mechanics of war in erepublik. There are many things that must be done in order to fight well in war. The first is to know what you're doing, and in theory, the second is executing them. I can provide you with the knowledge of how to make the best of any war experience, so lets start with the basics.

How to Fight
The first step to fighting is finding a battle to take fight in. This can be done by checking the w ar page for any active wars that your country is involved in. Countries can be involved in a war three ways, through a Resistance war in your country, through a direct conquest war with a neighboring country, or through an MPP which allowed allied countries to fight in a war that does not effect their own territory. Once there, check for active battles that usually have a timer on them, and click on it. Once you're in the battle page, there will be an option to click "fight for (defenders/attackers)" depending on which side you're fight on. Click that and then your page will show a pop up window that opens the trivia page. Answer the trivia questions and then you're done, the page will show you how much damage you've done, how much wellness you've lost and your fight is over.

The Damage Formula
This is a section that's important if you want to know how to do the most damage. This depends on a formula that takes numbers from various places. First your strength determines your base damage, the rest is additions in percentages. The next factor is how many trivia questions you answer and how fast you answer them, the more you get right, the more damage you do. Next factor is wellness, where obviously if you have more wellness you do more damage. Then comes the quality weapon you use, higher quality equals higher damage while having no weapons effects your damage by -50%. Finally rank gives you a bonus where as always, higher rank give you more hitting power. These are all the basics, to calculate your own damage ahead of time, use [6:url=]erepubl ik tools[/6:url].

Concept of the Wall
When fighting, you'll notice that you're fighting a wall, and here's how it works. When fighting you're total damage either builds up the wall (if you're the defender) or breaks it down (if you're the attacker). The goal of the attackers is to put the wall below zero before time runs out in the battle. The defenders must keep the wall above the secure line in No Man's Land until the end of that battle to win. During each fight, you're total damage adds or subtracts it's number on the wall.

How to be a Successful Fighter

Now that we know the basics on how to fight, our next goal is to learn how to achieve maximum damage in a fight, and in a battle as well. In order to do this you need to know your limitations as to not overstress your assets, as it will leave you crippled at the end. There are essentially two major limitations on how well you can fight which is your wellness and the money that you have available to spend. In knowing exactly how to use them both to your advantage, you can accumulate lots of damage. Before we get into that it is important for everyone to know that when you fight, you will lose at least 10 wellness each time. In addition, you will also lose 5 wellness for each trivia question you answer wrong. This means it's crucial to answer every question right.

Wellness: First, when entering a fight you must have over 40 wellness. If you are below that you will not be able to fight, so always make sure you're wellness is kept high. Furthermore, in order to do maximum damage in a battle you want to have the highest wellness. Before starting any fight, always make sure you have 100 wellness. Obviously this will be hard if you want to fight more than once, but there are certain ways this can be done. There are three ways to heal your wellness immediately after a fight, that is through gifting, going to a hospital and buying wellness packs.

gifting is cheap, however you must get a fellow citizen or organization to give gifts to you. they buy gifts and give them, not donate, to increase your wellness by it's level of quality. Gifts can only provide one citizen with 10 wellness maximum per day, so it's a one time deal when fighting. Hospitals are more tricky and make sure to use them to their maximum effect instead of fighting at 100 wellness each time. Hospitals can be used only once a day and only after being in a fight. They give you 10 wellness for each level of quality of the hospital, so Q2 hospitals will give you 20 wellness while Q5 gives you 50. Since you can only use them make sure that you use them to get exactly 100 wellness. Meaning if the region you're fighting from has a Q2 hospital, fight until you have 80 wellness, then heal there, or if the hospital is Q5, fight only until you have 50 wellness left... then heal.

Money: Knowing how much money you have to spend is important in fighting. As mentioned in the section above, the third way to recover wellness right after a fight is through buying wellness packs. This costs 2 gold for 10 wellness, which is very expensive and should only be used by those who can do a lot of damage in battle and those who have very high experience in fighting. If you are using wellness packs, make sure that you always recover to 100 wellness (or 95 wellness if you land on an odd number to get the most out of your money). If to do maximum damage in a battle, you're going to need to spend a lot of gold in order to do so. Make sure not to spend too much as there are always new days to fight and so that you won't finish the day with less than 100 wellness.

The other factor in money is what kind of weapons you want to use. Q5 weapons obviously let you do the most damage in battle, however it is very expensive. It is suggested that those with higher strength and rank use higher quality weapons in order to maximize damage for a country. Those who are of lower strength should save money and buy lower quality weapons. This still provides you with the general war experience while saving yourself some money. All in all, if you know your limitations in both of these areas and act accordingly.

Fighting With the Best
You now know everything you need to know in order to fight to your own personal best performance. If you're satisfied here then so be it if personal gain and enjoyment is your only goal. If you want to take fighting to the next step, don't let it be your own effort, start working with a group. This means signing up in some kind of military, whether it be you're countries military or a secret organization. This group will organize the individuals to fight as a unit using various war tactics. For more information, better reading can be found in The Development of War Tactics, Age of V1

That concludes the second of many Press Secretary Tutorials to come. Keep posted for more information from The Patriot's Ramblings in the future.


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