GDG - A Third Solution to your countries Problems

Day 469, 07:01 Published in Israel Germany by Greystone Defence Group
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Welcome to the latest edition of Greystone Corporate News.

This article is for those people out there who are facing hard choices, and offers a third option. This is for countries under threat of political or military conquest. This is for our potential clients.

Your current options:

1. Join a major alliance and hope they help you
2. Go it alone and probably lose.

The third option:

3. Hire Greystone Defence Group to defend you.

So why hire us? I'm not going to write pages of reasons. Many of you won't be native English speakers, and I apologise for not translating.

1. We're organised
2. We aren't expensive (relatively)

Why not visit our website?

We offer a range of services, including providing voters in elections, providing advice on building and developing your military, and outright brute force. In case you were wondering about our capabilities, here are some Greystone facts:

-Total Members: 154
-Average Member Strength: 6.48
-Total GDG Damage Per Fight: 8576.63

If you were to hire the entire group, in one day our group could do upwards of 40k damage, without even spending the gold to make our troops tanks. That is with just the costs of moving and equipping our members with basic Q3 weapons.

C.O. Mike Hoare
Greystone Defence Group