GAWA-Pride of the Province!

Day 742, 14:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by NI Social Benefits Office

Over the last few weeks, a team from 'our wee country' took part in the Pope Horice I eCricket League - Season 3 (run by Sir Botham). The team, which consisted of 11 brave citizens, competed in the tournament, which consisted of a league, and knock-out stage. Our boys played well, winning 4 out of 5 of the group matches, and finishing top of their group. Unfortunately, the GAWA (Green and White Army) were beaten by eventual winners the Capitals, coming third by beating the Gunners in the Third place playoff. However the team can return home proud of their effort and success, in their first proper season as a team. The electric eleven were;

john12306 [captain]
The Fish
Sir Botham
yuan lee86
Jacen Molare
Gav Miller

To further cement the team's success, several players were highly placed in the individual rankings. Two players finished within the top ten batsman, with team captain, John12306 coming first overall. Four of the GAWA bowling attack, finished in the top twenty, with three (Jacen Molare, haughenator and certacito) bagging a massive ten wickets each. To cap it all off, three of our boys (John12306, thehorseltd and Molare) were selected to play in the test series against Australia, where they were part of the victory against the Aussies, with John12306 winning man of the match on the first day of the test.

All in all, this is a great start onto the eUK sporting scene for the GAWA. Coming up next for the GAWA is the eUK Football League (being run by former eNI Congressman, Taytaz). Looking to follow up on the cricket team's success, the GAWA football team is now recruiting new players. If you are interested in playing, or finding out more about other sporting opportunities, please come visit the regional forum here;

In other news

The Senate of eNI was recently selected for a new term, which started today. The Senate is the regional council of eNI, and has the responsibility for organising events, and informing citizens of projects that meet their needs. Look for more information on the Senate in an upcoming article of the Tribune.

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