Gavins Economic Policy

Day 954, 18:41 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Hello eIsrael Im here today to present you with my Economic policy.

Current eIsrael suffers from a high cost of living that hurts new players especially. The Cost of good are high compared to other parts of the world and the wages are low and not very numerous.

One of the main aspects holding our country back is our backwards tax system.

I proposed sweeping tax reforms starting with Import Taxes.

Currently our Import Taxes are at 10% which is quite high for a small nation like eIsrael with no natural resources and few people/companies.

Its Protectionist and protectionism and eIsrael dont work.

Its destroying competition and hurting Businesses who need to bring in Resources from outside eIsrael.

I propose reducing the Import Tax to 1% to ease trade and hopefully increase the flow of goods into Israel.

This will bring more businesses into eIsrael and thus create more jobs more competition and drive prices down.

My second reform relating to taxes is to bring the VAT (Value Added Tax) to around 5-7% across the board.

This will enable the government to make a hefty profit while still not taxing eIsraelis heavily.

Lastly I propose to lower the income tax to 8-9%.

Overall taxes will be lowered and reformed to better suit eIsrael economic situation. eIsrael has a lot of money in the Treasury now from after the liberation from eTurkey so we have reserves to fall back on if anything goes south.

The next big aspect of my economic policy is more government controlled companies to create jobs and to provide cheap goods to new Citizens to help them stay alive. This is very necessary to maintain our babyboom and current population.

We would aim for the companies to be self sufficient or even profitable and since the government already has many companies owned we wouldnt need to open many news one if any at all.

This falls in line with my Defense policy to make the eIDF relatively self sufficient in Weapons and other needed supplies.

Currently according to eIsrael only has 765 employed people or 29.67% employment. That means less then a 3rd of our nation is currently employed. This is a problem and I have brought up the low employment levels previously in many articles.

This shows us 2 things


-Lack of Jobs

Both equally bad. For this article Ills talk to the lack of jobs crisis since this is the economic policy article. We need to do something to get eIsraelis employed.

if you compared our employment levels and even GDP with other countries we are far behind. This should not be.

With government run companies we could employ many of the newer citizens until they get there level up and are able to find better employment opportunities in the private sector.

Overall eIsrael has much potential. I want to make us live up to this potential.

So I urge you all to vote for me come July 5th if you want a stronger more stable eIsrael.

Am Yisrael Chai

Truly Yours
